The Cornells

Where we've been, what we're doing, and photos of the lot!

Royalties Due..?!

We were at a wedding doo last night and whilst standing outside talking to the smoking brigade a lass I've not seen for a good few years pipes up with;
"Eeeh you're Revell aren't you?"
"Did you take your Baby swimming a few weeks ago"
"Eeeh do you know ya photo is on the Blyth Valley website?"
Erm No!
Turns out the photo I blogged at the time was also used on the Blyth Valley Arts & Leisure website HERE.
(Incidentally, Abigail's proper 'Water Babies' classes start on Monday).


The QE2 recently visited the North East as part of it's round of tours before heading off to the far east to become a floating hotel (have you ever!?!).
After a few troubles it eventually entered the mouth of the Tyne and sailed up to North/South Shields.
Seemed only right to capture at least one shot of her before she left to sail up to Edinburgh.
(QE2 is back in the North East in Oct '08)

Picture Postcards

Jen recently went to Warkworth and Amble for the day with her parents. She took the camera for the obligatory Abigail shots, but also took a couple of scenery ones. I was particularly impressed with these two. The colours, the sharpness and the reflections give the appearance of shots from a far more expensive camera! Click on the photos to see the full size ones.
(Flickr'd the pics as usual)

A Religous Experience

We went to a Summer Fayre at my Mam's work on Saturday. She works in a care home and each year they have a fayre with all the usual stalls and raffles etc.

John Middleton was there to open proceedings so it seemed only right to get the little-un in for a pic....

John plays Ashley the Vicar in Emmerdale, and of course we had to get Jen in on a pic too to add to the 'Famous People' section of our Flickr!!
NOTE: I use the term 'famous people' VERY loosely because there's some proper Z listers in there!!

Water Baby

Our local Sports Centre had an open day at the weekend to show off the results of the recent refurbishment.

We went along to look at the changes and were quite impressed. It was all well overdue and quite basic stuff, e.g. the addition of family changing rooms, but at least it's done.

The pools had extended ours for the day and as it was free entry we decided it would be an ideal oppurtunity to see what Abigail made of the water. After heading home to grab our stuff and the baby swim seat (another kind donation from a work colleague!), we headed to the 'little pool' which for me must have been for the first time in over 25 years!
After getting over the initial temperature surprise Abbie seemed to be really quite relaxed. She's quite used to being up to her neck in water from the Tummy Tub, and I think that might have actually helped to prepare her. After about 10 mins we tried her in the swim seat (pictured), and again she seemed to take the whole thing quite calmly.

There was a supervised photographer also around to take photos for the local swimming club. They asked permission to take our photo and I obviously leapt at the chance. He then kindly agreed to e-mail us the pic after we explained it was Abbie's first time in the pool etc.

Abigial was completely exhausted after her 20 mins of being in the pool, but it seemed like an enjoyable experience and something which we'll have to do regularly.