The Cornells

Where we've been, what we're doing, and photos of the lot!

Hoody Culture

'Aboo' as she's now come to be known, just at times has bother written all over her face! At the minute, with those two bottom teeth she has the look of a cartoon dog...I just can't decide which one; Gnasher (Dennis the Menace's partner in crime) or an upside down Goofy (the Disney Dog)..!

And so it begins/ends....

Abigail had her first day at Nursery today, which meant it was also Jen's first day back at work and the end of her 9 months Maternity Leave.
Jen's been taking her for introductory days over the last few weeks to get used to the people and new environment etc, so when it came to saying goodbye this morning Jen was kind of accustomed to it. I went along this morning too, and I have to say I found it a lot harder than I expected! Don't get me wrong the nursery is really spot on and I can't fault the place but it just felt really strange saying goodbye for the day - heart wrenching I think is the phrase.
Anyway Abigail had a good day and according to her daily diary/report (!!) they think she'll settle in no bother :o)
Out little girl is growing up...!!

Not Strictly A Concert

Jen is massively into the 'Strictly Come Dancing' series that are now an anual event on BBC1. So when they announced there was to be a tour, she was mad keen to go as you can imagine...!

As a kind of extended Christmas pressie I managed to get us some of the floor side seats - 3 rows from the front when the show came to Newcastle Arena last month. It was certainly the strangest 'gig' I've ever been to and I've just gotten round to putting the photo's online....