If I had a pound for everytime someone's tried to lecture me about how much my life is about to change with the arrival of the baby, blah, blah, blah, I'd be a seriously rich man by now.
I can't help but think though, that a few other things going on elsewhere in my life also seem to be drawing to a close in preparation, - it's bizarre...!
- Football. The end of the season, including cup finals couldn't have been timed better.
- TV Shows. The main TV we watch is American downloads (as we're too impatient to wait for the UK releases!). This week, E.R, 24, Lost and Heroes have ALL had their double bill season finales! Managed to catch all of them.
- Work. Even at work there have been a number of large projects recently that have just finished, and others about to start in a few weeks time. Obviously this one won't have gone to plan like the others if Button decides to delay his/her arrival!!
- Smoking Ban. July the 1st sounds nearly ideal for a smoking ban to start in England for a baby being born into the World about now.
I guess the main thing that never comes to a natural stop in my book is alcohol....As they say, "There's never a good time to stop drinking"!!.
Loose Ends
Posted by
Revell Cornell
Friday, May 25, 2007
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