The Cornells

Where we've been, what we're doing, and photos of the lot!


We couldn't put it off any longer, - Jen's car was simply too small for our future needs and it was time for the Plum to go...!

Her little Micra has been known as 'The Plum' from day one (for obvious reasons), and everyone knew it as her car.
We got the plum for free (a long story), and it's certainly served us well. It may have been basic and had literally none of the mod cons, but there can't be many other people who've gotten by on £20 petrol a month for the past two years, and paid just over £100 for a years insurance!!!
I've basically gone a full circle when it comes to cars; When I was younger I literally ploughed every penny (and more) I had into my cars. But as your priorities start to change I now see them as a complete drain and hate spending money on them. They're basically a constantly depreciating asset you chuck money at! Therefore no-one will appreciate the plum as much as we did. To coin Jen's favourite phrase, "There are other purple Micra's, but there'll only ever be 1 Plum" :o)
By the way she's now got a Focus Estate, and is perfectly geared up for transporting Button as well as Bertha, in what will feel like luxury to everyone...!