The Cornells

Where we've been, what we're doing, and photos of the lot!


Strange coincidence that I used the title 'Girl Power' in a Blog post the day before the Spice Girls announced that they are reforming...!!

Girl Power

Took Abigail to get weighed again today and she's now up to 8lb 7oz and still gaining weight perfectly.

Ross and Pinar came round later in the day with Amber, who although is only 6 weeks older than Abigail - she made her seem tiny...! Probably best illustrated with this picture.
Amber is now 10lb 15oz and changes so much each time we see her.
(Prior to the photo being taken it turned to fisticuffs, so they were seperated and I took the photo as Abigial was in the middle of her Maori Haka routine, which Amber seemed to be finding hillarious!!)

Honda wouldn't get a look in

Remember that Honda advert from a few years ago with the various car parts all laid out in a room and performing a chain of events which finishes with a car rolling off the ramps? - Well they're apparently known as Rube Goldberg Machines, and I challenge you to find a better one than this....!!
You can't help but smile as you watch the video, whilst at the same time thinking "how the hell can they be bothered?"!!

Parcel Tracking

The story here is some bloke sticks a camera in a box with a small hole in the side and the camera automatically takes photo's every 10 seconds. He then sticks the box in the mail to himself and joins the resulting photos together in a slideshow - Genius!
I dare say if he did this a couple of times, it wouldn't be long before you'd uncover some nasties about the way parcels are treat whilst in transit.

"I'm a Diva, get me out of here"

We introduced Abigail to her automatic swing last week (to give my arms a break!), and she took to it instantly. However her attention span is somewhat limited, and as this video shows - when she wants out, you'll know about it....!!

Jen thinks it's hillarious the way her expression changes and the dummy goes flying. Check out the pose with the hand too!

Should also mention that Abbie's piling on the beef..! Health visitor weighed her on Tuesday (13 days old), and she was 8lb1oz, i.e. she's put on 8oz in 13 days which is a cracking start especially for a baby which is breast feeding.
I've uploaded another selection of photos of Abigail from the past week to flickr. As you can imagine there have literally been hundreds taken, so I'm trying to be selective!!

Here will dae!

Here will dae!
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula
Abbie falls a kip in some flippin queer positions... Although it gets to the point where you don't give a flying which way she is as long as them eyes eventually shut! In all seriousness, we can't complain at all about her sleeping habits so far given that she sleeps right through from about 11pm to 9pm with a max of 2 feeds between, and even then she drops straight off after each one.


Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula
Since I was born I've had a tiny hole on each side of my head just in front of each ear. Doesn't bother me in any way, it just occasionally needs squeezing to remove a soap build up! My party piece when drunk is to stick a cocktail stick in each one, - I'm sure you get the picture!!
Anyway, you can imagine how taken aback I was when Jen spotted one of these holes in the same place on Abbie's right ear. CLASSIC!!

(Click the link to go to flickr for a clearer pic)

Anyone got any Rennies?!

Foto Fest

There's a shed load of photo's of Abigail now on-line here.
Set will obviously be updated as and when.....


Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula
Looks like butter wouldn't melt, but she can't half wail I tell ya! Pediatrician said she's a long baby, ie long and thin like her Dad! They're all really pleased with how mam and daughter are doing and they might be coming home today....if i can figure out how to work the car seat!!

"Our survey says..."

As you may have spotted I've had a 'mini-poll' running in the side-bar of our blog to guess the sex of button.
Well the votes are counted and the results are in....
Button is now Abigail Lily and interestingly most people got the result wrong.
Obviously there will be loads more Abigail postings and photos to come once Mother and Daughter come home from hospital and things settle down a bit....if ever!!
N.B. Now that the poll is gone the annoying blooming pop-ups should now stop...!!

Abigail Lily Cornell

Abigail Lily Cornell
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula
Born 3.32pm today weighing 7lb9oz. PERFECT!

D-Day + 10

By D-Day plus 10 in the famous 'Operation Overlord' D-Day operations, Eisenhower had managed to land 18 divisions of men on the beaches of Normandy.

Whereas in modern times we're at D-Day plus 10 and there's still no sign of Button's arrival just off the beaches of Blyth....!!

Hours of fun

Make sure you've got the sound on....!