I haven't been here since April, so I might as well try and cover May in one post...!
May was the start of what are going to be a very busy few months for us. All in a good way of course but I can't believe how much stuff is planned.
The beginning of the month started with Sam and Alan's wedding at the Holiday Inn. When I say wedding it certainly wasn't a run of the mill one; They'd got married a few weeks earlier in Vegas, in true Vegas style. The ceremony was streamed on the t'interwebs and it was quite bizarre being able to see it. This photo is just after the ceremony finished and they all waved to the camera.
Anyhoo, getting back to the home leg of their doo; it started with drinks at the Holiday Inn, then speeches, and then onto a formal blessing. Then came the food, Elvis tribute act, Poker Table and Wheel of Fortune! Yep it was bizarre, but it was also really, really good.
It was also the first time we'd been back to a doo at the Holiday Inn since our wedding there nearly 4 years ago. It was in the same room, but that's about where the similarities between the two end! Flickr photo set of their wedding is here.

Also went to see Girls Aloud last month at the Arena with Jen. Missed them the last twice they've been due to us having holidays booked.
I wasn't really sure what to expect to be honest after the recently dissapointing show by the Pussy Cat Dolls (photos on my Facebook somewhere). Girls Aloud though turned out to be really good.
The stage, songs, performance, atmosphere were all way better than PCD. Ours seats were dead centre and really close to the front so we had a cracking view of the show. Again the set is on flickr here
Next came the weekend at Haggerston Castle.
Altogether there was me, Jen, Abigail + Lee & Emma + Maddy, Sarah, Jess + Simon & Kirstine + Maff, Kelly & Anna + Jimmy & Family (sorry I'm rubbish with names). We had 3 caravans and it was a proper fun 4 days.
The whole idea was a cheap caravan holiday somewhere and given the Haven Park's are all basically the same anyway we thought it made sense just to go to Haggerston.
Kids all had a great time and the parents all lapped it up too. Within a day of being there you completely forgot that you were only like an hour from home. Yep photos here again.
Had a quiet week during the middle of the month, which wasn't a bad thing seeing as I was on call anyway. Then came Jen's 29th Birthday on the 22nd May (only 1 year away from the big '3' '0'!), which was also a bank holiday weekend. We were both at work on the 22nd so again it was a quiet one, then we went for an Indian's with Lee and Emma on the Saturday.
I think that's about everything worth mentioning here for the Month of May.
The house extension is still on-going. We've now had the plans back for the new kitchen which is quite exciting, although it'll be even better when the plans turn into reality!
June is looking like quite a good month but I'm not even going to commit to saying I'll post here again soon because I'm pretty useless with updates! JUNE: Take That (Jen), Abigail's Birthday, Boy Zone (Jen) and finally a week in Magaluff / Palma Nova which Jen booked last night after work - wahoo!