The Cornells

Where we've been, what we're doing, and photos of the lot!

Abigail's 2nd Birthday

I know every parent says it, but I seriously can't believe Aboo is 2 already (6th June)!
As expected she was completely spoiled rotten and showered with gifts on her Birthday. We got up early so she could open our presents, then my parents called in with their's before heading off to France for two weeks in their Mobile Home. Actually the first time it's been properly used - apart from our Seahouses trip of course!
In typical Abigail unpredictable fashion she then decided to make her usual afternoon kip a longer than usual one - on her Birthday of all days. When she eventually got up, I fitted her new child seat to my bike (present from my parents with a helmet) so we could quickly test ride it before heading up to Jen's parents for tea. She was again showered with gifts (sand and water table was the biggy of them), and then insisted on blowing the Birthday cake candles out a good half dozen times!
Dave, Michelle and Elise came to ours and stayed that night so it was SingStar a plenty.

On Sunday we headed to Whitehouse Farm (Photos here). Deliberately waited until the Sunday as it was when they were having one of their open days when you can groom/handle the animals and sit on the various farm machinery. Abigail lapped it up and thought she was great sitting on the huge Tractors etc. (She screams like a banshee at the noise when they're started up like!).

Went to meet Jen's parents for lunch after that and did the usual "make a pig of yourself on a Sunday" thing with Delaval Ice Cream etc!

I think after watching Peppa, George, Mammy Pig and Daddy Pig all go through their on screen Birthdays, Abigail actually knew what was going on for hers this year and what all the fuss was about!